Lili Johnson

Account Coordinator


Elkridge, Maryland


B.B.A. Business Management, Berkeley College

Lili brings her background in Marketing and Communications and her client engagement experience from the legal industry to our team. Lili’s passion lies in nurturing long-term client relationships and driving tangible outcomes. She is adept at navigating the intricacies of building and fostering meaningful connections.

Driven by a personal concern for various social injustices, Lili’s interest in nonprofit work stems from her desire to effect positive change in the world. This personal commitment has guided her career choices, leading her to seek professional avenues where she can make a tangible impact on issues close to her heart. Her dedication to social causes is evident in her approach to client engagement, where she strives to align organizational goals with meaningful societal change.

Native to Pennsylvania, Lili’s journey has taken her to different corners of the world, including New York and Italy, before settling in Maryland. Outside of her professional pursuits, she finds joy in traveling, practicing yoga, cooking (with a particular fondness for the eating part), refining her decorating skills and spending quality time with her beloved cat, Tali.