7 Tips for Integrated Marketing

You know your donors go online, use social media, and read and respond to email.  And you know that your fundraising program (which may have been just “direct mail” until recently) needs to be “multi-channel.” But how do you make it happen? And what are the best practices?

We have seven tips to get you started!

1. Meet your donors where they are

Most donors read their mail and respond through the mail. But they also go online and respond to emails they receive. And they likely are active on Facebook. You need to be everywhere your donors are. One easy way to do this is to include URLs on mail pieces.

2. Collaboration is key.

Internal departmental coordination, content development, project management, external vendor integration, as well as integrated messaging and creative, are all critical. Everyone needs to be part of the plan and the process. A master communication calendar can help too.

3. Integrated campaigns help raise more money in both channels. 

You’ll have the best success when you add email to support your donor mailings – including renewals, appeals, reinstatements, and upgrades. It’s especially effective with time-sensitive efforts like matching gift campaigns.  

4. But stand-alone digital campaigns (not tied to mail) are also really effective. 

Examples include online email acquisition, year-end pushes in December, fiscal year-end pushes (if your fiscal year is not calendar year), Kickstarter campaigns (to raise money for special projects), and Giving Days (like Giving Tuesday and the host of regional philanthropy days that have sprung up, such as North Texas Giving Day and Amplify Austin).

5. Online cultivation is inexpensive and cost-effective. 

The sky’s the limit – you can send thank-you messages, e-newsletters, breaking news updates, engagement opportunities, and e-cards.

6. Don’t forget lightboxes. 

These are great at year-end, fiscal year-end, and around special campaigns. Most people visiting your website in December are there to donate – so make it easy for them by having a lightbox pop up to direct them to your donation page.

7. Lastly, if you send more email at year-end, you will raise more money. 

So many organizations are asking for money online at year-end, but you want to make sure your messages are seen. A basic minimum year-end series of email asks could be sent on 12/23, 12/28, 12/30, and 12/31. Studies show that the more often you email in December, the more money you will raise!

Need help with your digital fundraising? Our Meal on Wheels Fundraising Co-op can help! Contact your Account Executive or Kate Zidek at coop@lautmandc.com.