Lautman Named “2016 Partner of the Year” by the DMAW at the Annual Best of Direct Awards

The “Partner of the Year” award is presented each year to a service provider or vendor that has distinguished itself through its unwavering service and commitment to advancing the Direct Marketing Association of Washington mission of expanding the direct marketing community in the Washington area and of promoting careers in direct and interactive marketing.

We are so honored to be recognized this year.

DMAW representatives stated, “One of the best things about Lautman is that when they get involved, the entire team gets 100% involved — from the leaders, to the account executives, to the creative people, to the administrative assistants — all have the enthusiasm and motivation to give back to the industry.”

At Lautman, we are happy to have leaders like Tiffany Neill and Lisa Maska, who lead by example and understand the value of “corporate citizenship” within the DMAW. They encourage each member of our staff to grow professionally and personally through various volunteer opportunities, such as speaking at educational sessions to serving on committees. We are proud to be a part of the DMAW and humbled to be recognized as an integral part of the community.