What’s Your Resolution?

Happy New Year! If your office is anything like ours, there’s been plenty of talk about New Year’s resolutions. From losing those extra few pounds to finally cleaning up that pile of junk in the garage, we’re all looking for ways to start the year fresh.

You’re on your own for diet resolutions, but we’re here to help with how you can boost your development program! Here are some easy resolutions to make 2015 the best year of fundraising for your organization:

Phone a friend
We all know the importance of good donor stewardship, so make plans to implement a thank you phone call policy for donors who give $250, $500, or more – whatever you can handle. January is a great time to make thank you calls for year-end gifts if you didn’t have time in December. It’s never too late to say thank you!

Clean house
The New Year is a perfect time to clean up your donor database, and doing so will set you up for even better fundraising success in 2015. Start by making sure your gift entry is up-to-date, and inputting any recent donor address changes. Then you can identify and combine duplicate donor records. A clean and updated database will ensure you’re contacting the right donors, at the right place, with the right ask – and it will help you raise more money.

Freshen up your website
Take the opportunity to update your organization’s website now with some fresh content, and your efforts will pay off throughout the year. Your website is often the first stop for prospective donors and prospective volunteers who are looking for more information about your organization. Make sure the information they find there is relevant, up-to-date, and makes it easy for them to take action. This includes ensuring you’ve got large, eye-catching “Donate” and “Get Involved” links right on your homepage. Updating staff contact information and photos also helps put a friendly face to the great work you do.

Share your stories
Your supporters contribute to your organization because they care so much about the clients you serve. Make it easy for them to see the impact of their gifts by sharing stories of the special men and women you serve on your website and in your emails and newsletters, too.

Make every interaction count
When someone calls your office with a question or a complaint, take that opportunity to make the donor or potential donor feel really good about your organization. In addition to being responsive in quickly addressing their concern – thank them for supporting your work. Make sure that everyone who answers the phones knows that they are ambassadors to the public, and understands how important their role is as the “face” of your organization.

Ask for help if you need it
If you need help, give us a call. We’re always here to help whenever you have questions, need clarification, want to bounce around ideas, or just need a friendly chat! We take pride in being an extension of your internal fundraising team, so don’t forget that we’re always here to help when you need it.