Lautman Thoughts

Lautman Thoughts

How to Ride the Wave and Raise Money During the 2020 Elections

Every election year, we ask ourselves if nonprofit fundraising will be impacted by political fundraising — after all Election Day hits at the start of year-end. In almost every year...
Lautman Thoughts

Telling Your Donors You Care in the Time of COVID (while still asking for a gift)!

In the early days of the stay-at-home orders, my inbox and mailbox were filled with love. Friends, family and even companies and nonprofits reached out to connect. In those early...
Lautman Thoughts

The Best $49 You’ll Spend All Year

As the Coronavirus pandemic began its assault on the United States, the one thing we all wanted was information. It turns out that information on a new virus is in...
Lautman Thoughts

Fundraising With Your Phone

Do you know the amount of time the average American spends on their phone each day? 4 hours a day! That’s 240 minutes we, as fundraisers, have to get their...
Lautman Thoughts

4 Things You Should Know About 2017 Giving

There were major shifts in charitable giving in 2017 — it truly was a year like no other! Carol Rhine, Principal Fundraising Analyst at Target Analytics, recently dove deep into...
Lautman Thoughts

Navigating the Unknown Impact of New Tax Laws

When the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 was signed into law last December, fundraisers like us had one main question: Will the changes in the tax law impact...
Lautman Thoughts

Case Study: Using SMS to Get Donations at Year-End

Mobile giving (SMS) continues to be on the rise worldwide – but few U.S. organizations have been able to leverage it to its full potential. The Human Rights Campaign was...
Lautman Thoughts

#17NTC 17 Tips for YOU!

Lautman recently attended the 2017 Nonprofit Technology Conference, which was held right here in DC! We enjoyed connecting with so many great folks in the industry – but most importantly,...
Lautman Thoughts

What (and Who) We Should Be Asking About State Laws

Originally published in AdVents, a DMAW publication As direct marketing fundraisers, we generally have three big questions when it comes to state registration laws: 1. Are our contracts complete? 2....
Lautman Thoughts

2016 Digital Year-End: An Inbox Audit

As 2016 came to an end, inboxes were filled to the brim with fundraising emails. Here’s a quick overview of this year’s trends and what stood out in digital fundraising....